The game our development team, Jazz and Awol, created revolves around the story of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen but mixed in with pirates and is called, Pirates and Prejudice. We deliberated on how best to emulate the intertwining and sometimes hectic story of relationships and first impressions between the large caste of Pride and Prejudice. We eventually came to the conclusion that a card game most mimics these characteristics as a card game offers a great interaction between players as well as mimic some of the haphazard events that happen to some of the players (such as when Elizabeth suddenly receives a letter saying that her sister has the cold) with the shuffling of the cards.
We then had to decide how to include pirates into the mix. We then came up with the idea that we would reverse the perspectives, meaning that we would, instead, focus more on the men's side of the story where as the book more focused on the woman's side (mostly Elizabeth's) so that the players now took the role of suitors for the five Bennet daughters. We then analyzed the Bennet daughters and came up with what each of them were looking for in a marriage and it turned out wonderfully as each daughter's needs fell into three categories, love, wealth, and violence but were in different combinations for each. With our concept put together, we went to work creating the mechanics and assets of the game described below. The idea was to have a polished looking game so we opted to have the cards professionally printed with laminated surfaces much like those found on store-bought card games.
Game Pieces:
The game consists of two decks, a pride deck which contains 68 cards and a prejudice deck which contains 56 cards, as well as numerous tokens representing to amount you have accumulated of each category (love wealth, or violence).
- Pride cards - These cards mainly yield positive benefits for the player who draws them such as additional wealth or love.
- Prejudice cards- These cards on the other hand provide a means to interfere with the progression of other players by allowing you to do a great number of things to them such as force them to lose tokens or allow you to steal tokens from another player.
- Event cards - These cards revolve more closely around the happenings of the story and are special as they are neither Pride or Prejudice cards but are hidden within both decks. When an event card is drawn it is played immediately and the player who drew it must resolve it or face the consequences.
- Tokens - These represent the three "resources" that a player can collect within the game and are simply a visual reminder of the amounts they have.
- Players pick which of the five Bennet girls they aim to court.
- Players then decide who goes first.
- All players start with ZERO love , wealth, and violence.
- The current player draws either a Pride card or a Prejudice card.
- If the card the player draws is an Event card, it must be played immediately, unless otherwise specified, and that player is forced to resolved that card or face the consequences.
- If the card they draw is NOT an event card, that player has the choice of playing it immediately or to hold it in their hand.
- The player then has the choice of playing cards from their hand, trading, or ending their turn.
- Should they acquire "resources" from the playing of cards, that player takes tokens from the token pool and places them into their respective token piles representing Love, Wealth, and Violence.
- After the player has finished playing their cards, their turn has ended and the player to the left goes next.
- The game ends when a player achieves the required amount of love, wealth, and/or violence needed to woo their selected lady.
Additional Rules:
- Each player has three token piles representing Love, Wealth, and Violence.
- Played cards are placed into their respective discard piles.
- Pride cards in a player's hand can only be played on THEIR TURN.
- Prejudice cards in a player's hand can be played at anytime.
- Cards in a player's hand can be traded with other players BUT can only be traded with the player who is currently taking their turn. Example: Wally is currently taking his turn therefore the other players can only trade with him but Wally has the choice of trading with any of the other 4 players.
- Should a deck run-out, simply reshuffle the discard pile of that deck, and place it face down on the spot of the run-out.
- Each Daughter requires a different amount of resource(s) for you to court her.
The Ladies and Their Needs:
- Lydia requires 20 violence
- Elizabeth requires 20 Love
- Mary requires 20 wealth
- Catherine requires 10 violence & 10 wealth
- Jane requires 10 love & 10 wealth
- Lydia requires 20 violence
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